Research Projects


  • Student Understanding of AI (an action research project that seeks to assess perception and impact of pedagogical intervention), Stony Brook University, 2024-26.
  • Writing Education in South Asia: Obstacles and Uptakes (2019-22), a project for studying how academic writing is integrated within tertiary education in Bangladesh, India, and Nepal. 
  • “On Their Own Terms” (2016-19), a study of writing pedagogies and engagement of global perspectives in Romania, Colombia, India, Nepal (with CCCC grant mentioned below). 
  • Writing Support for International Graduate Students in US Universities (2015-18), on-the-ground data collection at 21 universities, also involved giving a dozen plus talks and workshops during visits. 
  • Translating Success (2014-), a web-based participatory action research for the study of academic transition of international students, involving student narratives and expert commentary. 
  • International Teaching Assistants in the STEM Fields (2014-17), research for journal article. 


  • SUNY Innovations in Technology Grant, “Inclusive STEM Education Project: Leveraging Potentials of AI and OER for Faculty Development and Collaboration across SUNY,” with Gary Halada and Lori Scarlatos (SBU), Saquib Ahmad (Buffalo State), Nicole Simon (Nassau). $54,000. 2024-25. 
  • SUNY Innovations in Technology Grant, “The iSTEAM Project: A gamified faculty development learnshop for enhancing inclusive teaching in STEM, using transcultural rhetorical practices drawn from the arts and humanities,” with Gary Halada, Jenny Zhang, and Lori Scarlatos. $28,000. 2023-24. 
  • Presidential Diversity Mini Grant, “Diversifying Discourse Framing: Faculty Training for Inclusive Education” (departmental teaching enhancement initiative), with Laura Lisabeth, ($3,500), 2024-25.
  • Developing Language Diversity Awareness on Campus. FAHSS (Faculty in Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences) grant ($7,320). with Chikako Nakamura and other MIC colleagues, 2023-24. 
  • Presidential Diversity Mini Grant, “Networking Advocates of International Students” (NAIS), led by Katherine Johnston ($1,860). Organized workshops & discussions, networked faculty and staff, 2022-23. 
  • FAHSS Grant (Faculty in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences), “Language and Social Justice in Higher Education,” ($7,400), led by Joy Janzen for the Center for Multilingual and Intercultural Communication (2022-23).  
  • Innovations in Innovations in Technology Grant, “Modular and Student-Centered Learning of Writing” (MASLOW), with Cynthia Davidson. SUNY, IITG, 2018-19.  
  • President’s Distinguished Travel Grant, Stony Brook University (for conferences in Asia), 2018.
  • Research Initiative Grant. Conference on College Composition and Communication (National Council of Teachers of English), 2016-18 ($9,600), for research in Colombia, Romania, Nepal, and India; with L. Mihut (Barry U., Florida), S. Khadka (California State U. Northridge), S. Alvarez (U. of Louisville). 
  • FAHSS Grant (Faculty in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) (2016-17): “Translanguaging in/as Translation,” led by Eriko Sato, for Multilingual and Intercultural Research Center, Stony Brook University, 2016-17, $3000. 
  • Presidential Diversity Mini Grant, 2015-16 ($3,000), with Alfreda James (Stony Brook U. Career Center)
  • Presidential Diversity Mini Grant, 2014-15 ($5,000), with Mawii Ralte, Gene Hammond, Katherine Kaiser.
    Outcome: developed and offered academic transition workshops for international undergraduate students. 
  • TALENT Grant (Stony Brook University Faculty Center), 2013-14 ($3,000), with Christopher Petty.
  • Professional Development Awards (sought for conference expenses), United University Professions (UUP), Stony Brook University, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016. 

Supported colleagues to develop their grants

  • Presidential Diversity Mini Grant, “A Campus Language Diversity Survey,” supported Yiw Wang and the Center for Multilingual and Intercultural Communication (2022).
  • FAHSS Grant (Faculty in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences) (2019): Educational Exchanges in South Asia (supported MaryAnn Duffy and Cynthia Davidson).

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