- Vice President, SUNY Council on Writing (SUNY COW), 2020-Present: guided various task forces and working groups, facilitated faculty support during Covid19 pandemic, supported organization of conferences and review of proposals, and supported the President in regular leadership tasks.
- Member, SUNY FACT2 Task Force on Artificial Intelligence (Faculty Development), 2023-24.
- Secretary, SUNY Council on Writing (SUNY COW), 2015-2020: helped document organization history; supported with organizing conferences; updated/maintained website.
- Member, ad hoc working group, SUNY Council on Writing members: participated in drafting position statement on online education, Summer-Fall 2013.
- External Reader, Doctoral dissertation, Janice Alonzo, Morgan State University, MD., 2022-24.
- External Reader, Doctoral dissertation, Olalekan Adepoju, University of Louisville, KY, 2021-23.
- External Reader, MPhil dissertation, Laxman P. Bhandari, Kathmandu University, Nepal, 2022-23.
- External Examiner, Doctoral dissertation, Mary Ann Fowler, University of Toronto, Canada, 2022.
- External Reader, Doctoral dissertation, Jamila Scott, Morgan State University, MD., 2017-18.
- External Reader, MA thesis, Shyam B. Pandey, Minnesota State University, 2016-17.
- Member, Fulbright, Review team for parts of South Asia, and Mongolia 2020-2023.
- Reviewer, K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award, Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2021, 2022, 2023.
- Member, Braddock Best Article Award, Conference on College Composition and Communication (National Council on Teachers of English), 2023-24.
- Member, Advancement of Knowledge Award Selection Committee, Conference on College Composition and Communication (National Council on Teachers of English), 2022-23.
- Member, Best Book Award, Conference on College Composition and Communication (National Council on Teachers of English), 2022-23, 2023-24.
- Member, Research Initiative Grant Committee, Conference on College Composition and Communication (National Council on Teachers of English), 2021-22.
- Chair, Research Initiative Grant Committee, Conference on College Composition and Communication (National Council on Teachers of English), 2020-21.
- Member, Research Initiative Grant Committee, Conference on College Composition and Communication (National Council on Teachers of English), 2019-20.
- Member (at-large), Executive Board, Consortium on Graduate Communication. 2017-2020.
- Member, Central Executive Committee, Conference on College Composition and Communication, 2019-2020.
- Member (elected, at-large), Executive Board, Consortium on Graduate Communication. 2017-2020.
- Reviewer, Annual convention proposals, National Council of Teachers of English: 2015, ’16, ’17.
- Member, Selection Committee, Braddock Award (for best journal article of the year), Conference on College Composition and Communication, Fall. 2016.
- Coordinator (1 of 4), Transnational Writing Standing Group, Social Media Team, Conference on College Composition and Communication, Mar. 2014-2017.
- Guest Editor, Journal of Global Literacies, Technologies, and Emerging Pedagogies, Special Issue on Massive Open Online Courses, with Dr. Mike Murphy, 2014 -15.
- Facilitator, Monthly webinar series on International Higher Education & International Students, with Krishna Bista (for Journal of International Students), 2016-2018.
- Judge (National Committee), 2014 Norman Mailer High School and College Writing Awards Program, National Council of Teachers of English, Spring 2014.
- Associate Editor, Journal of International Students, 2013-2018.
- Reviewer, Journal of International Students, 2012-13.
- Reviewer, Journal of Global Literacies, Technologies, and Pedagogies (JOGLTEP), 2012-14.
- Reviewer, Journal of Rhetoric, Professional Communication, and Globalization, 2012-2014.
- Chair: Conference panels, CCCC, Portland, OR, Mar. 2017; CCCC, Indianapolis, IN, Mar. 2014.
- Volunteer, Narrative Collection Booth, Digital Archive of Literacy Narrative, Conference on College Composition and Communication, Mar. 2013, Mar. 2014.
- Director, Facilitator, Scholars Training program, Society of Transnational Academic Researchers:
- Trained about 50 scholars each in the spring seasons of 2022, 2023, and 2024, from 15-20 countries each, supporting them to develop socially driven research agenda, communicate research with stakeholders using diverse languages and genres/mediums, integrate research-driven teaching, and train other scholars (147 scholars from 40+ countries have gone on to organize training locally)
- Trained 90 scholars, from about 15 countries, in 2023, on “Enhancing Academic English”
- Resource person, Network of schools across Nepal, August-October 2023 & January-March 2024, Teacher-centered training using the concept of “expertise cycle” (where practitioners study, practice, observe, share, and document classroom-based self-training and process of being experts), two 6-week training programs, facilitated with head teachers on the ground, March-April 2023 and January-February 2024.
- Resource person, Tribhuvan University Center for International Relations, TU Global Initiative, a program for connecting diaspora Nepali scholars with scholars on the ground, 2021-23
- Organizer, Trainer: Tribhuvan University Scholars Grassroots Community, 2016- Served as resource person and trainer for a dozen faculty development initiatives, impacting thousands of scholars across Nepal, including workshops on development of research agenda and international publication, mobilization of diverse languages and genres for public engagement, teaching excellence, and pursuit of new professional development objectives, 2016-
- Served as a resource person and coordinator for a faculty development initiative, including workshops on development of research agenda and social-impact objectives, mobilization of diverse languages and genres for public engagement, teaching excellence through research integration, and pursuit of new professional development objectives.
- Served as a resource person for a faculty network at Tribhuvan University, supporting once-a-month teaching workshops to implement the semester system, 2018-19.
- Served as a resource person for a faculty network at Tribhuvan University, supporting once-a-month teaching workshops to implement the semester system, 2016-17.
- Supported a grassroots community of Tribhuvan University, Nepal to organized a 2-week teacher training program that trained 700+ faculty members during the 2020 pandemic
- Facilitated a webinar workshop series for publication, Kings College, Kathmandu, Nepal (2019)
- Kathmandu Model College, Teaching series (2018-19), Research series (2018-19)
- Tribhuvan University, Nepal, Teaching series (Nov 2016 – July 2017), Teaching series 1 & 2 (2018-19), Publication series (2019)
- Midwestern University (2015-16): a monthly online faculty development training program titled “WACAP” (Writing Across Curriculum and in the Professions) for helping instructors across campus at Midwestern U., Nepal integrate writing into the curriculum.
- Facilitator, Summer summits (following up on online training)
- Tribhuvan University (May 29-30, 2018): Training of trainers, 2-day retreat.
- Kathmandu Model College (May 21-22, 2019): Training of trainers, 2-day retreat.
- Tribhuvan University (May 19-20, 2019): Training of trainers, 2-day retreat.
- Kathmandu Model College (May 21-22, 2018): Training of trainers, 2-day retreat.
- Midwestern University (July 2016): a program that invited Dr. Gene Hammond and other American scholars as guest speakers for some of the sessions, leading up to a half-week conference in Surkhet, Nepal, in August 2016), Oct. 2015 – June 2016.
- Trainer/facilitator, Online teaching training, Tribhuvan University, Nepal—trained 500 scholars during Covid-19 pandemic to help professors across the national university system teach online.
- Organizer, facilitator, South Asia Research and Writing Support Group, a 3-country program supporting 24 scholars write and publish internationally, 2019.
- Founder, Editor, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Higher Education, 2016-
- Facilitator, Educators Across Contexts, a transnational network of teachers, 2012-16.
- Editor (1 of 5), Journal of NELTA (Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association), Nepal, 2009-13.
- Co-founder, Editor, ELT Choutari, blog-based monthly magazine on English Language Teaching, read by English teachers around the world; edited with 3-6 co-editors, 2009-13.
- Member, Planning Committee, “Celebration of Teaching and Learning” (2012), Delphi Center for Teaching and Learning, U. of Louisville, 2011-12.
- Graduate Student Ambassador, Graduate School, U. of Louisville, 2011-12.
- Member, Search Committee, Program Manager for Graduate School & Faculty Center, May-Aug. 2011.
- Student Representative: Strategic Technology Executive Committee (STEC), U of Louisville, 2011.
- Mentor to new graduate students in the English Department, U of Louisville, 2009, 2010, 2011.
- Information Chair (executive member): Graduate Student Council, U. of Louisville, 2010-11.
- Facilitator/leader (1 of 25), Connected Community initiative, CCCC, 2010-11.
- Member, Local Committee, CCCC, Louisville, Kentucky, Mar., 2010.
- Chair, Conference panels: The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900, U. of Louisville, KY, Feb. 2009; Thomas R. Watson Conference, U of Louisville, KY, Oct. 2008.
- Volunteer, Conference of the Nepalese Folklore Society, Kathmandu, Nepal, Member, 2004-06.
- Promoter, Gurukul Theaters, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2004-06.
- Volunteer, NELTA Conferences 2001-2006.
I’ve also listed my contributions to Nepalese and South Asian academic community under presentations and workshops/lectures.
नेपालमाको प्राज्ञिक क्षेत्रमा गरेका सेवाको सूची यहाँ छ ।