Department, University


  1. Graduate Program Director, 2019-
  2. Chair, Search Committee for Assistant Professor in the Rhetoric of Health and Medicine, 2023.
  3. Chair/Member of Task Forces:
    • Member: initiative to develop “Expectations and Responsibilities for Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty” 
    • Member: initiative to develop “Assistant Professor Mentorship Guidelines” 
    • Member: DEI@PWR, an initiative to document diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives/efforts and outcomes in the teaching, research, and service work of PWR faculty/program. Gathered and documented efforts and resources, in collaboration with Laura Lisabeth. 
    • Chair, Reinforcing and Diversifying Argumentative Writing, 2022-23, an initiative involving 9 PWR instructors that identified pitfalls in traditional argumentation in students’ research-based persuasive writing, created resources to address those challenges, developed additional resources for diversifying the teaching of argumentative writing (including by expanding the meaning of argumentation and drawing on diverse rhetorical traditions), and proposed to the Program a language for updating related portfolio guidelines. 
    • Chair, WRTD (writing in the disciplines) subcommittee, 2022-23, an initiative involving 4 PWR faculty members that studied how the WRTD gen-ed requirement is fulfilled, and developed resources for faculty across campus who seek to meet the WRTD gen-ed requirement. 
    • Chair, Graduate Studies promotion task force, 2022-
    • Member, Online transition task force, Covid-19 pandemic, 2020-21. 
  4. Mentor for Assistant Professors: Ryan Mitchell (2023-), Matthew Salzano (part of team, 2023-)
  5. Mentor/Observation, for TAs and Lecturers: C. Usta, C. Fena, K. Johnston, K. Towers, B. Krumm, L. Borstein, L. Barski, G. Lipsultz, A. Gomez, E. Hallerman, 2012-. 
  6. Member, Lecturer Search Committee, 2019.
  7. Member, Journalism, Assistant Professor Search Committee, 2019.
  8. CAS, recruitment initiative (livestream), Humanities courses, majors, and minors. 
  9. Member, Online Education Group, Fall 2017-2019. 
  10. Member, Writing Center Innovation Group, Fall 2017-2018. 
  11. Member, Graduate Studies Committee, Fall 2016-2017. 
  12. Member, Assistant Professor Search Committee, Spring-Summer 2016. 
  13. Member, Writing Minor Committee, Program in Writing and Rhetoric, 2013-2015. 
  14. Founder, Facilitator, RhetComp@StonyBrook, a department blog for teaching discussions, 2013-15. 
  15. Teaching Observer, Christine Fena, Geri Lipsultz, Katherine Johnston, Kimberly Towers (2014-16). 
  16. Portfolio Reviewer (reader of 2nd and 3rd rounds), 2015-. 
  17. Faculty Mentor: URECA Presentation (Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities).
    Prepared students from WRT 301, GLS 102, and WRT 102 (2014, ’15, ’16, ’17). 
  18. Faculty Mentor, Mentored and nominated students who received academic awards: Tina Wong (Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence, received), 2023; Sarah Malik (JFEW SUNY Scholars in International Relations & Global Affairs, fall 2017); Torrye Zullo (Undergraduate Recognition Award, nominated with Timothy Moran, Ceremony, 4/5/2017); Jhinelle Walker (Academic Achievement, Ceremony, 3/31/2017); Crystal Ling (Outstanding Achievement, 4/1/2015, nominated with Margot Palermo); Claire Smith (Undergraduate Recognition, Apr. 2013, nominated with Margot Palermo). 


    1. Co-Chair, Served with Dr. Rose Tirotta-Esposito, Design of Student Learning Experience (Standard 3), Middle States Accreditation, 2021-2024
      • Collected institutional data on design and delivery of the learning experience
      • Collaborated with a team of dozen plus members to draft a report chapter
      • Presented preliminary results at a town hall event, attended regular meetings
      • Participate actively and contribute to the overall process, submitted a chapter 
    2. Chair, Curriculum Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 2022-24.
      • Created and implemented review guidelines/checklists and published them 
      • Updated and publish committee’s historical and guiding documents
      • Doubled the review speed while enhancing the review process
      • Create and published monthly reports
      • Provide consultation to chairs/instructors for complex situations
    3. Facilitator (along with Chikako Nakamura), MIC@10, 10th Anniversary Research Forum, Center for Multilingual and Intercultural Communication, an event showcasing six SBU research presenters for an audience of nearly 200 scholars from around the world. 
    4. Member, Curriculum Committee, College of Arts and Science, 2018-2022.
    5. Member, Senate Executive Committee, College of Arts and Sciences, 2022-
    6. Facilitator, Mentor, Graduate Students Writing Support: Established the Graduate Student Dissertation/Thesis Writing Boot Camp in 2018 (600 student sign-ups till Jan. ‘24, ongoing), the Graduate Student Writing Group (200 student sign-ups till end of 2022, revived with GA provided by Graduate School in Spring ‘24), and the Graduate Student Writing Workshops series (in collaboration with MIC).
  • Dissertation/Thesis Writing Boot Camp, a weekly 4-hour program that helps students to check in as small groups, share inspiration and strategies, then write for four hours, before checking out with a brief reflection with the same group 
  • Graduate Student Writing Group, a weekly 1-hour program that helps students exchange feedback in pairs on drafts they bring to the session every week 
  • Graduate Student Writing Workshop series, in collaboration with the Center for Multilingual and Intercultural Research, 2017-
  1. Facilitator: Faculty Writing Group, weekly meeting organized to help faculty write regularly and exchange peer feedback on Fridays, Fall 2019 – Fall 2023. 
  2. Member, Senate liaison, Covid-19 Recovery Plan Task Force, led by Lawrence Zacarese, 2020-21. 
  3. Member, Arts & Sciences Senate, 2014-17, 2021-24
  4. Member, Departmental & at-large, University Senate, Stony Brook University, 2016-18, 19-21, 23-24.
  5. Member, College of Arts and Sciences Globalization Task Force, 2020
  6. Collaborator, with Loredana Polezzi, language justice resource development, Center for Multilingual and Intercultural Communication, 2021-22
  7. Member (and among founders), AAPI Mentorship Network, 2020-
  8. Facilitator, Welcome week workshop fall 2021: “How Locals Read and Write” Fall 2021. 
  9. Facilitator, SBU graduate writing group, Fall 2019-
  10. Facilitator, Faculty Writing Group, a weekly 1-hour program that helps faculty participants exchange feedback on drafts, 2019-
  11. Host, online teaching support, College of Arts and Sciences, August 2020 
  12. Member, online instruction support group, Program in Writing and Rhetoric, spring 2020
  13. Member, SBC Assessment Group, 2019
  14. Member, International Students Success Task Force, Spring 2017. (1 of 12, co-presented with another member the group’s key findings and suggestions on international graduate student success).  
  15. Advisory Board Member, Multilingual and Intercultural Research Center, Stony Brook U, 2015-17. 
  16. Faculty Advisor: i) South Asian Student Alliance (2016), ii) Himalayan Club – 2016-2018. 
  17. Member, Subcommittee for promotion of writing in the disciplines, College of Arts and Sciences Strategic Plan, Spring 2017-2018. 
  18. Writing Mentor: supported graduate students of colleagues, including Dr. Radu Sion (Computer Sc.), Dr. Jessica Gurevitch (Ecology and Evolution), with students’ writing and publishing, 2013-2019. 
  19. Member, Search committee, Academic Liaison, University Library, Fall 2014. 
  20. Member, Search committee for assistant professor, School of Journalism, 2019.
  21. Host (speakers invited)
  • Dr. Chris Glass, virtual discussion, Supporting International Students, April 2023. 
  • Dr. Mohammad Shamsuzzaman, North South University, Bangladesh, March 2019
  • Kapil Dev Regmi, Kathmandu Don Bosco College, September 2019
  • Sabeeha Saleque, North South University, Bangladesh, 2019 — Facilitated Panel: Collaborations in South Asia (with Cynthia Davidson, Maryann Duffy, Sabeeha Saleque)
  • Dr. Krishna Bista, talk on international students, with Alfreda James, for Career Center & Multilingual and Intercultural Research Center, Apr. 14, 2016.

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